Incense and lures are great items to have in Pokemon Go. They’re items that play a fundamental role in attracting Pokemon to you, rather than forcing you to try to locate the Pokemon. But what are lures and what is incense? It is the answer to this question, among others, which we explore in today’s […]
How to Evolve Faster in Pokemon Go
Sick of waiting for your Pokemon to Evolve? We’ll teach you the fastest and most efficient way to evolve your Pokemon in Pokemon Go.
What is Pokemon Go Incense?
If there’s no Pokemon around you, it’s time for you to break out the incense! But just what is it? We’ll teach you how and when to use it.
Pokemon Go Item List & Uses
Pokemon Go’s wide variety of items can help you catch, heal, and gain points in the game. Our Pokemon Go item list will tell you what everything does.